Meeting room total area - 211,62  ㎡
Office total room - 1.088,13 ㎡
Küche Gesamtfläche -40,07 ㎡
Storage total room - 158,87 ㎡
Technology total room - 95,52 ㎡
Terace total room - 186.9 ㎡
Traffic total room - 508,05 ㎡
WC total room - 81,79 ㎡

2D-CAD floor plan - the classic among measurements

The 2D CAD floor plan is the classic way of precisely recording the structural features of a building. It forms the basis for construction projects and provides a clear, two-dimensional representation of the spatial structure. These plans are indispensable tools that enable architects, engineers and builders to plan and coordinate in a well-founded manner.

Voxelgrid enhances this classic approach with modern technologies and data-based methods. Our systems make it possible to display additional room information directly in the plan, such as floor coverings, the number of sockets or material qualities. Thanks to artificial intelligence, the plan is created almost automatically and particularly efficiently.

2D-CAD views - facade plans for planning, renovation and preservation

The 2D CAD view shows the façade of a building true to scale and in detail. It depicts height coordinates, dimensions and façade elements and is therefore essential for planning, renovation and monument protection.

Voxelgrid optimizes this process with digital capture and AI-supported analysis. This creates precise plans with additional information on materials, window sizes and building structures - automatically, efficiently and directly usable for everyone involved.

2D CAD cut - precise height and structural information

The 2D CAD section represents the cross-section of a building and is usually created in 2 to 4 versions per object. It provides essential height information on ceilings, storeys and supporting structures. For architects, it forms the basis for design and spatial planning; for modernization planners, it shows potential for conversions and technical adaptations,

and for the property owner, it enables a well-founded assessment of the building structure. Voxelgrid optimizes the process through digital capture and AI-supported analysis. This results in precise, data-rich sections - faster, more detailed and optimally tailored to planning and portfolio maintenance.

2D CAD site plan - the basis for outdoor planning and management

The 2D CAD site plan shows the surroundings of a building with property boundaries, access roads, paths and green spaces. It is essential for the planning of outdoor facilities, tenders and long-term management; for architects it forms the basis for integration into the urban environment, for modernization planners it shows the potential for optimizing outdoor areas,

and for property owners, it provides data on land use, drainage and traffic routes. Voxelgrid enhances site plans with digital tree canopy detection for winter maintenance, detailed area analyses and smart data integration. This results in precise, usable plans for efficient planning and sustainable use.

2D CAD roof plan - the basis for roof renovation and planning

The 2D CAD roof plan provides an exact representation of the roof structure, including pitches, drainage and material structure. It shows directly where renovations are necessary and enables precise planning. For architects, it serves as a basis for planning new buildings and conversions, while for modernization planners it facilitates the coordination of roof renovations,

and for property owners, it enables targeted maintenance. Voxelgrid optimizes roof plans through digital recording and AI-supported analysis. All relevant data can be passed on directly to subcontractors - efficiently, accurately and immediately implementable.

Orthophotos - reality as a basis for planning with maximum precision

Orthophotos provide a true-to-scale, distortion-free representation of the building and its surroundings - accurate in detail and from a bird's eye view. They are a valuable basis for views and can even replace them in many cases, as all dimensions are accurately depicted. For architects, they enable a realistic analysis of building structures, for subcontractor management they are a direct basis for communication,

They make inspections and documentation easier for building owners. Voxelgrid goes one step further: façade element areas can be generated directly from orthophotos using automatic façade recognition. This creates a precise, digital area calculation - perfect for tenders, renovation planning and efficient building management.

The advantage

Floor plans are often available, but they are not always up to date.

Inventory analyses

Precise area specifications as the basis for valid energy analyses.


Optimized facility management and building operations.


Exact area specifications ensure accurate property valuation for financing.


Supports transparent communication and planning.

Projects on

Digitally captured buildings in Bochum
Inventory digitization
2D CAD floor plans & modernization
Bochums Gebäude digital erfasst
Bestandsdatenerfassung von 470 Gebäuden der Stadt Bochum, um CAD-Pläne für das neue CAFM-System aufzubereiten – diskret und ohne den laufenden Betrieb zu stören.
Wir alle kennen die Situation: Es gibt Entwurfs-, Genehmigungs- und Ausführungspläne sowie Detailzeichnungen, aber was dann, vor allem beim Sanieren im Bestand, wirklich vor Ort umgesetzt wurde, weicht oft von den schönen Plänen ab. Revisionspläne, die die konkrete Situation auch wahrheitsgetreu abbilden, sind oft Mangelware. Was tun?
Durch den Einsatz präziser 2D-Grundrisse konnten bei einem Sanierungsprojekt signifikante Kosteneinsparungen und Effizienzsteigerungen erzielt werden. Optimale Raumnutzung, höhere Mieteinnahmen und verbesserte Verhandlungsposition führten zu nachhaltigem Erfolg.
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